
Basic Principles for Spiritual Builders

We are laborers on a spiritual construction crew hired to build a spiritual building. Are you following the blue prints of the Master Builder?

The End-Time Middle East

We can see turmoil in the history, as well as in the future, of the Middle East. Events in this region are destined to effect the lives on everyone on earth.

Where Are We in Prophecy?

It seems that every generation has those who predict the end is near. What makes the days in which we are now living different from other times in history? What are the signs which tell us the end of this…

A Chosen One

God is very much aware of what goes on. He's very much aware of our needs, our hurts, our disappointments, and everything else. He's able to give us the courage and the strength to be victorious.

Where Are Your Affections?

Are our affections with the physical things or with God alone? Is their a proper balance? Examine the affections that every Christians has and where they should lie.

The Sabbath in History and in Prophecy

God is eternal. He has a plan. The Sabbath teaches us from week to week. It looks back to the creation of this earth, but also forward to a new creation, and it gives us an overall timeline of the…

God's Plan and God's Holy Days

The Good News of God's Plan is not preached today. The Sabbath points to God's Plan, to God's creation, both physical and spiritual. God's Holy Days expound that Plan of Salvation. The fall Holy Days describe the second great phase…
Through spiritual begettal you and I can not only become inheritors of everlasting life but we can develop the very mind of God.

Marvelous Functions of the Holy Spirit

How does God use His Holy Spirit and what does He accomplish through it? As we prepare to observe the Holy Day of Pentecost, let’s focus on three of the various roles and functions of the Holy Spirit. By doing...
Photo of mother with two children on a bench.

In His Time

God understands the sorrow and pain that parents feel when their children choose not to follow in the faith.

God Has A Plan - Lessons From the Story of Joseph

God has a Plan! In this split-sermon before the webcast audience of the Atlanta and Buford congregation, Charles Graby, a deacon serving in both churches, shows how God worked out his plan for Israel over hundreds of years. This culminated…