
Be A Witness

We are called to be witnesses of God's way of life.

Whatever Happened to the Father?

Whatever happened to the Father? Why is He seemingly so unimportant in the world of Christianity? Let's see what the Bible and the Jesus Christ have to say about whatever happened to the Father?

From Darkness to Light

How do we stay aware of darkness, yet not loose sight of the light? In what ways can we avoid darkness? How can we be lights?

Don't Stay Camped on the Edge of Egypt

Are we just on the edge of coming out from sin, or are we fully committed to God's way of life?

Live God's Way Today

A review of the 2019 teen summer camp theme and subthemes shared at each of our camps. We are each empowered to "Live God's Way Today" as we have been called by God to this newness of life. We each…

Striving and Thriving

Striving to live God’s way of life leads to one thriving spiritually.

The Spirit of God's Word

From the beginning, the God's law was based on spiritual principles. God's word is spirit. To be pleasing to God, we must live according to His way with an understanding of its spiritual intent - not just in application of…

To Blend or Not to Blend

When we come into relationship with God, we begin a journey on the path to life. We are in the world but are not to be of the world. Humanly, we are constantly challenged and enticed to embrace the unrighteous…

God's Way Worked

What brought you into God's Church? Are we grateful for our calling?

Get a Hold of Yourself

The Christian walk requires spiritual and emotional maturity. Based primarily on Colossians 3, this message exhorts us to control and guide the passions of the human soul, willingly submitting to God's purposes and intent, and allowing His Spirit to lead…