
God's Will for Your Life

How much does God control? How much of what happens on earth is God’s will? Is it His will that people suffer? Is every success or failure in your life God’s will?

Good and Evil

The forces of evil in this world are arrayed against our values and the truth of the scriptures. Will we stand against evil? Why do we have to resist evil in our lives?

Lesson in Christianity from Nature

Have you ever taken time to observe nature? Noticing God's creation and how it behaves? Some of answers to life's hardest questions can be found there along with a lot of good lessons on living our life as followers of…

I Would Rather Look at the Good

Life is full of pain and suffering. There is chaos and pain coming. What would you like to concentrate on?

Good F.R.U.I.T.

The purpose of this sermonette is to address the importance of being mindful, being vigilant of what we ingest both physically and spiritually. And how being attentive of such can help us to endure life's trials.

Training the Heart to Do Good

The heart of a person can be equally good or bad. We have a choice to make - a good heart or a bad heart. How do we choose to do good? How do we create a pure, clean heart?

Wise Advice for Wise Decisions

How good are your decision-making skills? Have you ever wondered “what if I had...”—especially when you didn’t get the outcome you had expected?