Photo of a younger person's hands gently holding an older person's hands on a subway.

How To Be a Neighbor

How can the parable of the Good Samaritan help us to become the neighbor we should be?

Christ Our Passover and Personal Good Samaritan

Speaker: Lud Kiramidjian 4/4/20 The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) is one of the most famous of Christ’s parables. It teaches a powerful moral lesson that every human being is our "neighbor", and that we (out of compassion…

Who Is My Neighbor? A Samaritan?

It's one of Jesus Christ's most famous parables, and yet there are key aspects to His message that tend to go unnoticed today. Let's read this story in full color and find out what's there for us to learn.

Go and Do Likewise!

Using the example of a samaritan man's actions, Christ gave a pointed message in Luke 10:30 about how we treat others. In this sermonette before the combined Atlanta and Buford congregations, Michael Bannen challenges us to evaluate what approach we…

Neighbors and Brothers

Who are our neighbors and who are our brothers? Our faith must show in our behavior towards our brothers and neighbors, but it may surprise you who God considers "our neighbors and brothers".

Being A Light To The World

Being a light to the world takes our whole heart commitment.

The Way to Eternal Life

Many questions were asked of Jesus when He walked upon the earth. One of the most important was, ‘What shall I do to inherit eternal life?' Jesus' answer? The Parable of the good Samaritan. The expert of the law, who…

The Good Samaritan

We never know when we are being tested because so many people in this world don't believe in God. Don't be discouraged. Stay focused to maintain a steady race and let your light shine before men so that they may…

Some Pass By and Some Stop to Help

Some Pass By and Some Stop to Help. We need to show compassion to everybody.

My Brother's Keeper?

Lessons of the good Samaritan. Who is our neighbor? How can we be a good neighbor to others?