
The Assurances of Our Good Shepherd

As we navigate the "perilous times" of which Paul warned Timothy, it is imperative that we continue to look to, and focus on, the assurance and hope that we find in the promises of our Good Shepherd, the one who…


What can we learn from the Bible concerning doors? There is much symbolism in scriptures when it comes to doors and gates. Rev 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the…

Who Does Jesus Say He Is?

This message will help one understand who Jesus says He is, and learn about five valuable lessons we must never forget.

The Good Shepherd - A Look at Psalm 23

Jesus called Himself the Good Shepherd. His sheep know Him and He lays down His life for them. Sheep are by nature needy animals, vulnerable to their surroundings. Yet, the Good Shepherd leads His sheep where they have no fear…


Jesus is the Good Shepherd over all his flock. There are so many things a Good Shepard has to keep track of when tending the flock of Gods Church. It is helpful to realize that sheep are utterly defenseless and…


Jesus is the Good Shepherd over all his flock. There are so many things a Good Shepard has to keep track of when tending the flock of Gods Church. It is helpful to realize that sheep are utterly defenseless and…


Jesus is the Good Shepherd over all his flock. There are so many things a Good Shepard has to keep track of when tending the flock of Gods Church. It is helpful to realize that sheep are utterly defenseless and…

Our Focus on Jesus Christ

In order to focus on Jesus Christ as we live, it is important to understand that, not only is He the Son of God the Father, He is our Saviour from eternal death and our coming King. We should be…

The "kalos" Shepherd

Jesus Christ told us in John 10 that he is the "good" Shepherd, but what that really means is a whole lot more than we would imagine. His kind of "good' is extraordinary that goes above and beyond all expectations!

Seven I Ams, Part 2

The seven "I AMs" that Jesus spoke cover attributes of God. This sermon discusses the last four attributes.