
"And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people" (Daniel 2:44).

In this section, find out more about the governments of the world, their prophesied role in future events and the final government that will supersede them all.


Thy Kingdom Come

The disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, and part of the model prayer includes the phrase "Thy kingdom come." This sermon discusses why Christ included this phrase in the model prayer.

Multitudes Missing?

An examination of the scriptures to see if the rapture is true.

Why Man's Governments Must Fail

God prophesied that the governments of men cannot continue, but they must fail.

Christians and Politics

A Biblical view of a Christian not participating in the politics of this world.

What Does the Bible Teach about Modern Politics & Government

It’s that time again that you have all been waiting for! What event is bloody, celebrates evil, promotes make-believe… focuses on individuals who look like the “living dead?" … no… not Halloween… something even more spooky… another American mid-term election…
Media Production

Iranian Nuclear Deal: Trust But Verify

What can we learn from the international relationships of various world governments?
Photo of Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin

An emerging end-time age of emperors is upon us. Empires dismantled in the two world wars are coming back with a vengeance, their kings stirred by vivid memories and visions of former history. One who fits this description is Vladimir...
European Union flags

Empires on the Rise

Will China overtake America and become a world empire? Will Russia restore the former might of the Soviet Union? Will Iran’s efforts to dominate the Middle East reclaim the ancient glory of the Persian Empire? And what about Europe–will it...
The author examines ruins of the 1,600-year-old defensive walls of Constantinople in 2015.

The Rise and Fall of Empires

We are living in a world of massive change. What does it all mean?
A sunset over a mountain range.

Why Is the Perfect Government So Elusive?

The search for the best government has occupied mankind for thousands of years. And still, no one would ever call any of the systems in place today ideal.