
"And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people" (Daniel 2:44).

In this section, find out more about the governments of the world, their prophesied role in future events and the final government that will supersede them all.


Can You Lose Your Salvation?

The Church has the means by which to determine teaching and doctrine. It is important to clarify that because there are a lot of varying ideas as to how doctrine or teaching is arrived at within the Church.

Safety from Terror

The world as we know it is heading for destruction. What will happen to true Christians during the End Times?
A peaceful scene with trees, mountains and the setting sun.

Jesus’ Reign on Earth—What Will It Be Like?

Bible readers understand that Jesus Christ will return to earth to reign as King. But what will He do as King, and what will His reign be like?
Media Production

Is God Partisan?

Partisan politics seems to be at the center of American society. What does God say?

God's Job Posting: Leaders Needed ASAP

When God comes to Earth to establish His kingdom, there will be an instant change in government. No more will politicians bicker over policy, but true leaders will guide people in God's way. God is calling those leaders today -…

Kingdom Effects

We celebrate the Kingdom of God at the Feast of Tabernacles, but what about the rest of the year? We are to be submitting to that government in our lives now as we look forward to God's government over the…

Why Will the Kingdom of God Be Successful? (When All Others Have Failed)

For thousands of years humanity has created different forms of man-made government in an attempt to rule ourselves. Most have failed miserably and have caused enormous human suffering and pain. When Jesus Christ establishes His Kingdom on earth is will…

Change Is Coming, Are You Ready?

The problem with man's government is a spiritual one. We will review 5 ways Christ will change government forever.

A Day of Transition

The Feast of Trumpets marks the time when this world will transition from being under the control of Satan to becoming the Kingdom of God. It will be rough, with Satan's guidance, the rulers of this world will not willingly…

The Best Form of Government

Genesis 1 says that after God created mankind he gave them rule over the earth. But man did not choose to rule according to God's guidance but rather created their own forms of government and ways of governing. We see…