
We Need Godly Love

Love is the very nature of God. Love motivates Him. In fact, God is love. How can we make sure we keep ourselves in the love of God?

Heart, Soul and Mind

The greatest commandment is "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." This sermon considers what "heart," "soul," and "mind" mean in this context, how they are different…

The Greatest Commandment

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 7/6/19 One of the most well-known passages in all Judaism, the “Shema Yisrael” from Deuteronomy 6:4, is also the passage that Jesus Christ used to define the Greatest Commandment. In this sermon, Tim Pebworth examines Christ’s instruction…

The Fourth Commandment

Our Father Creator’s 4th commandment sets apart a specific day of the week, so that we can spend time together, and develop our relationship. It is last of the first four commandments which offer us guidance on what it means…

Seeking His Righteousness

A study into Matthew 6:33 offers much insight into the relationship we are to have with God. We can gain valued understanding as we compare Matthew 22 to the way we relate to our creator. Understanding these things will aid…

With All of Your Heart

There are many places in the bible that uses the phrase "with all of your heart." What did that mean to those who heard that? What does that mean for us today?

'This Is the Love of God'

How do we show that we love God? Many believe that Jesus Christ came to bring a new way to worship God. But what does the Bible say?