
Looking Towards Pentecost Part 1

God is not mocked, we will reap what we sow. However, just like a physical crop, it takes time for the harvest to come in. Because the harvest isn't immediate doesn't mean there won't be one. We need to take…

Use It or Lose It

Properly trained, a muscle can go bigger and stronger. But, it can also shrink and weaken if not exercised and used on a regular basis. In a similar way, the more we exercise and use the Holy Spirit the stronger…

Be Responsible & Grow; Be a Victim & Expire

Being a victim - always blaming something or someone else for our failures - ensures our failure. Being responsible for our words and deeds allows us to repent, change, and grow.

Learning from Our Mistakes

It is important to reflect on our Christian walk. Have we grown? Have we learned from our mistakes or do we allow them to handicap us? Using examples in the Bible of people who made mistakes, this message emphasizes that…

The Feast of Tabernacles: a 'Jumping-off Point,' Not a Destination

Could we have been observing the the Feast of Tabernacles in a wrong attitude? Listen to learn how to better yours and other's Feast experiences.

The Art and Process of Becoming You

Becoming you is a life long process. It follows a sequence from conception through adulthood to reach the your Creator's intent. Let's consider what that means.

Keys to Biblical Understanding

What are the most critical keys to understanding God's Holy Scriptures?

How Are We Evolving?

A Christian should not be stagnant but certainly "evolving." Learn from within the book of Jeremiah the lessons for the "today" Christian.

The Kingdom of God is Growing

Do we think of the Kingdom of God as something that only occurs in the future? Or do we think of it as a dynamic, living thing that grows as we do?

The Gift We've Been Given

Speaker: Tom Meece 6/9/19 A close examination of three aspects of God's Spirit that facilitates growth in Christians. As we are aware of our gift we tend to use it more. Pls. Note: Addt’l msgs given in the SF Bay…