
What Is Character?

Godly character involves having Him write his law in our hearts and minds and then setting out to be a doer of his word? Have you put the development of character at the top of your " to do "…

Seek Education

Education goes much deeper for a young Christian then just academics. Young people need to be knowledgeable about God.

Overcoming Fears

We all have fears. It is our responsibility to overcome these fears daily. God has a plan for us. We must control these fears to follow His plan.

The Long and Winding Road: Solomon’s Life in Three Acts

Life will be successful when we begin with the end in mind. Solomon's life gives us a study in finding the straight path to true success.

Our Season Affects Our Fruit

In the Parable of the Soils, Jesus describes not just four ways new people receive the Word of God when they first hear it, but how Christians choose everyday to let the Word produce fruit in their lives. What season…

The Life of Joseph

Put yourself in the sandals of Joseph. How can his experiences guide your life? What can we learn from his struggles and triumphs? You have a future and a hope, no matter in what circumstances you currently find yourself. Live…

Allow Change

Research has shown that people tend to get attached to their initial impressions of others and find it very difficult to change their opinion, even when presented with lots of evidence to the contrary. When we look at others, do…

What is the "IT" Factor?

Local Webcast - As we think about the spring Holy Days let's think about the "It" factor and see what we can discover. "It" is God's victory... dominant, personal, complete and lasting.
A young man watching the sun set.


Don't dwell on the past—learn from it.

If Not Now - When?

Fred Crow 2/22/20 Location: Orinda... In this sermon entitled, "If Not Now - When?" Mr. Crow discusses how our calling comes with an urgency. It's not to be taken casually. We are not to procrastinate our conversion - we are…