
May I Have Your Attention Please?

Filmmaker and media consultant Phil Cooke, is quoted as saying, “the most valuable commodity of the 21st century will be undivided attention.” Attention is an important biblical concept as well a critical characteristic of a disciple of Jesus Christ. In…

The Two Thousand Mile Challenge

A timeless tale of God's divine guidance in Paul's life that serves as a powerful lesson of His guidance in our lives.

The Two Pillars

Comparison of the physical pillars of Israel escaping Egypt to the spiritual pillars in our journey to the kingdom.

Is Our Spiritual Compass Set On True North?

A compass is a useful instrument to ensure that we are heading in the desired direction for our travel plan. Likewise, a moral compass is essential for the direction in our personal lives. This world has seemingly lost all direction…

The Benefit of Empathy

Godly Empathy is how we help people. 4 Questions to help others: 1. Why are they acting like that? 2. What is the background that could cause this? 3. What feelings are they expressing? 4. How would I feel if…

The Art of Godly Discussion

The ultimate goal of our discussions is "Unity of Faith". With that in mind, we look at the three truths and seven pillars in the way we encourage and strengthen each other in our discussions at our Sabbath gatherings.

Listen to the Spirit

Are we prepared and ready to enter the Kingdom of God? Is is coming in a time unexpected. Are we properly spiritually clothed? The Holy Spirit must guide our lives. A Christian is required to live a godly life.

Guide My Steps

1) Prepare for success 2) Read and Study 3) Ask for Straight Paths 4) Light my path 5) Beware of a false summit

What Does "Rule with a Rod of Iron" Mean?

Many people totally misunderstand what it means to rule with a "rod of iron". The stunning revelation with biblical understanding is given in this message.

The Word of God

From the initial contact with God at creation, humans have developed different ideas of what God wants, how He communicates, what is expected of us and how to know what He wants. There is a book that offers a unique…