
Wisdom, Guidance and Protection

What do we pray for mostly?

Lessons From Shepherding

I came away with a better understanding of shepherding and sheep after watching a demonstration of shepherding on the way to the Feast of Tabernacles several years ago. These lessons involve the shepherd, sheepdogs and sheep and help us better…

The Apple of His Eye

God showed His love and mercy to ancient Israel time and time again. He is showing that same love to His church today.

The First Commandment

Where do your values come from. What guides your moral and ethical path? Pro 16:25 There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.

Wisdom of the Lapidarist

Les Booth shows, in story form, how a pastor is to wisely guide and direct individual Christians under his care in the same manner as a lapidarist uses his wisdom and skill in polishing various stones into a perfected finished…

Learn to Discern

Everyone knows we need to discern. But when? How? Why? Today, we will discuss the the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of Discernment.

Tips For Navigating The Way

The path to the Kingdom of God is described as the narrow, difficult Way. If we're not careful, we can easily end up in the ditch, unable to complete the journey. As with driving, there are a number of things…

Lead us Not into Temptation

Building off the prior sermon, this continues with an examination, from the Scriptures of a foundational principle taught by Christ. What is His meaning in this teaching, and what could He mean by asking us to pray, “Lead Us Not…

Lead us Not into Temptation

Building off the prior sermon, this continues with an examination, from the Scriptures of a foundational principle taught by Christ. What is His meaning in this teaching, and what could He mean by asking us to pray, “Lead Us Not…

Why Should We Read

2Ti 3:16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 2Ti 3:17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.