
"Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God" (Leviticus 19:31).

The Halloween we know today developed largely from an ancient Celtic pagan festival called Samhain, a day steeped in witchcraft and attempts to contact spirits—a day Christians should have nothing to do with.


Is Halloween a Harmless Holiday?

Many will say Halloween is just a harmless holiday where people dress up and have fun. Where can the harm be, they ask? Using secular sources, we examine the history of this holiday in detail and compare it to God’s…

Bitter For Sweet

Paul has to speak to a particular church as a 'boasting fool' in order to have them see that they've been acting like fools -allowing themselves to be tricked into a false Christianity that is not nearly as sweet as…

The Good, the Bad and the Mixing of the Two

We are sometimes given heroes in our movies who aren't quite as good as they might seem at first. Is there any good in being bad, and can something be good if it has a little bad in it? Does…

The Right Kind of Fear

The world tries to scare us with frightening tales, especially around Halloween. But is this the kind of fear we should have? What is Godly fear and do Christians need to have it?
Halloween drawings on pumpkins.

Halloween Is Horrible

Most folks who celebrate Halloween are nice people, but that doesn’t make Halloween nice.

What is Halloween?

We in the Church are subjected to this ritual every year. Even though we have nothing to do with this holiday it plays a very big part in our lives. How do we deal with it? Today we will cover…

Is Halloween a Harmless Holiday?

Many will say Halloween is just a harmless holiday where people dress up and have fun. Where can the harm be, they ask? Using secular sources, we examine the history of this holiday in detail and compare it to God’s…
Media Production

A Halloween Story

Can a holiday with wicked, ungodly origins be dressed up and made acceptable to God? Tune in to hear a surprising dialog.

Modern Reasons for Rejecting Halloween

The pagan origins of many mainstream celebrations are easily understood with a little research and an open mind. But often the argument is given that pagan origins are irrelevant to modern life. Who cares if something has pagan roots if…

Does It Matter Which Days We Observe?

What does Halloween stand for and most importantly should we partake of this day? I would like to briefly go over how Halloween came about and why God does not want us to celebrate this day.