
"Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God" (Leviticus 19:31).

The Halloween we know today developed largely from an ancient Celtic pagan festival called Samhain, a day steeped in witchcraft and attempts to contact spirits—a day Christians should have nothing to do with.

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What's So Wrong with Halloween?

Halloween in America is big business. Americans spend billions of dollars every year on this popular holiday.
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Should Christians Keep Halloween?

Halloween is a very popular holiday. But is it something Christians should take part in?

What’s the Harm in Halloween?

Halloween looks like so much fun and seems so harmless with little jack-o-lanterns, children and adults dressed in masks, long black witch attire with pointed black hats, costumes painted like skeletons, or outfits that represent demons, ghouls and goblins. But…

What’s the Harm in Halloween?

Halloween looks like so much fun and seems so harmless with little jack-o-lanterns, children and adults dressed in masks, long black witch attire with pointed black hats, costumes painted like skeletons, or outfits that represent demons, ghouls and goblins. But…


This message reviews the origins of Halloween and discusses whether this is a harmless activity in light of God's instructions in the Bible.

Halloween: A Trick With No Treat

This message exposes the evil origins, history and traditions of Halloween. What does God think of such practices and what biblical instructions does He give us regarding these types of false worship?


John Ramirez, a former Satan worshipper, is featured to explain his confusion over how a Christian could justify participation in Halloween.

Avoiding The Evil Spiritual Realm

How Powerful is Satan And his demons and what tools does God provide to us to protect ourselves from Satan's games?

Halloween – It’s Not Harmless

Abundant sources agree that the roots of Halloween extend to Celtic worship some 2,000 years ago. God wants His people to have no part in such worldly and satanic practices which have no basis in the truth. We are called…

Halloween: Behind the Mask

Many children look forward to the night of Oct. 31st, Halloween.