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What’s the Harm in Halloween?

Halloween looks like so much fun and seems so harmless with little jack-o-lanterns, children and adults dressed in masks, long black witch attire with pointed black hats, costumes painted like skeletons, or outfits that represent demons, ghouls and goblins. But what does God say about the strange customs surrounding Halloween and who and what is behind this bizarre holiday celebrated by so many? This message addresses the question: What’s the Harm in Halloween?
David Schreiber

Dave Schreiber grew up in Albert Lea, Minnesota. From there he moved to Pasadena, CA and obtained a bachelor’s degree from Ambassador College where he received a major in Theology and a minor in Business Administration. He went on to acquire his accounting education at California State University at Los Angeles and worked in public accounting for 33 years. Dave and his wife Jolinda have two children, a son who is married and working in Cincinnati and a daughter who is also married with two children of her own. Dave currently pastors three churches in the surrounding area. He and his wife enjoy international travel and are helping further the Gospel of the Kingdom of God in the countries of Sri Lanka and India.

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