a pair of hands folded in prayer sitting atop an open Bible

Jesus, Feasting and Philosophy Part 1

Paul’s letter to the Colossians has often been interpreted as saying that the Holy Days and Sabbath are no longer important. Was this the case, or was he making an entirely different point?
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Avoiding Spiritual Leaven: Part 3

After Christians remove leaven, representing sin, they are to live a new life of "sincerity and truth."
a group of people singing hymns in church

Operation Manager’s Update: MMS

Now is a good time to reflect upon the reality that God’s plan of salvation, revealed in God's Holy Days, is a plan devised in love and grace for all mankind.

God's Plan and God's Holy Days

The Good News of God's Plan is not preached today. The Sabbath points to God's Plan, to God's creation, both physical and spiritual. God's Holy Days expound that Plan of Salvation. The fall Holy Days describe the second great phase…
Media Production

A Child's Perspective

A class assignment from an 11-year-old brings a fresh look at obeying God.

God’s Dress Rehearsal for the Future

God’s dress rehearsal for the future can be considered as a practice run about whether that future is being faithful to the end or is living through the end-time events.

Leaving Egypt Forever

The concept of "forever" is difficult for humans. Can it even be quantified and defined? God's commands are not just to be kept when convenient, or for a certain period of time, but rather FOREVER! In this sermon we will…

The Journey from the Red Sea to Mount Sinai

In a form of baptism and a final break from Egypt which signified sin and death, Israel crossed the Red Sea on the last day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. They witnessed the great work that the Lord did…

God Called Us to An Unleavened Way of Life

What does it mean to live an "unleavened way of life"? How do we do this? This sermon answers those questions.

Observe All That God Commands

Are you hopeful of God’s gifts and rewards, or are you certain that you will receive them? In this sermon on the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, let us examine how you and I can be successful…