
Looking To God Who Opens the Way

Israel left Egypt with great rejoicing, but that positive attitude was short-lived. It's so easy to give in to doubt and discouragement when we run into difficulties. Instead, we need to look to God's promises, and realize that the great…

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

All over the world there are hardships, torments and suffering. However, our caring and merciful God has promised to end all our sorrows. This message covers five biblical principles concerning pain and suffering.

Times of Testing

Why must we endure times of testing, trials and hardships? James 1:2-4 reads “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, (v3) knowing that the testing of your faith produces [a]patience. (v4) But let patience have…

Troubleshooting 101

When problems arise spiritually, there are troubleshooting tools available for us to use. As we seek solutions to problems in our relationships, difficulties in the Church, or whatever else arises, we should move from the known to the unknown. We…

The God of All Consolation

How is God our God of Consolation? What does this mean? This is a vital truth to understand.

Let's Keep on Going!

The adventures of the great Antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton carry meaning and inspiration for those on the Christian journey.