
See the Kingdom in the Feast

The only hope for our war-torn world is the Kingdom of God. God's fall Holy Days signify this coming time of peace and unity. While at the Feast of Tabernacles, it is important to truly picture the joyful time it…

Unity of Faith Through God's Spirit

God is the Creator of unity of purpose. In our church there is both a unity of faith and a diversity of cultures that should be appreciated and respected. Both elements are needed to be balanced if we are to…

Exploring the Gospels 5: Dating the Gospels, How We Got Them, and Reasons for Differences

In this study we examine a number of key questions about the backgrounds to the Gospels, including: What exactly are the Gospels? Why didn't Jesus Christ write His own Gospel? When were the Gospels written and why is this important…

Exploring the Gospels 4: The Political Background of the Gospels

In reading the Gospels we are in some ways walking into the middle of a movie, not knowing what has gone before. In this study we examine some key questions: What is the political setting and background of the Gospels…

God's Affinity For His Wonderful Creation

Even the simple within God's Wonderful Creation can be so complicated. Terry Johnson discusses just a few elements of His grand creation and the affinity of all elements have with one another and with God Himself.

Restore Church Unity NOW

As we watch the global society break apart, is a similar phenomenon fracturing the singular Body of Christ? What does God in the Bible command His Church? What do I need to be doing to participate in Christ's light to…


Living in harmony with Christ and each other is what God the Father and Jesus Christ are looking for in their disciples.

To Tame the Tongue: Sermonette

If we could tame our tongue's, then we could harmonize so much better. Three benefits of controlling your tongue and some tips on putting this into action.


Jesus Christ's followers are often referred to as sheep and for good reason.

A United Church in a Divided America

After a very contentious campaign President Trump was inaugurated and has started to do his work as President. But he faces a daunting task made harder and more difficult by a very divided America. What can WE learn from this…