
The Fields are White for Harvest

When Jesus Christ traveled through the land of Samaria, He informed His disciples, that 'the fields are white for harvest'. He was referring to the Samaritans, and their receptiveness to His teachings, and that the disciples would ultimately reap where…

Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom

We worship and organized Creator; one who gifts us with knowledge and truth. He desires that we work with Him to develop that knowledge into a mature understanding-an understanding that will produce a harvest of wisdom. Do you recognize that…

Chosen To Be Firstfruits

In Israel, how were the first fruits chosen that were used for Pentecost? In this sermonette, Alan Edge discusses some of the regulations that anciently applied to this process, and the spiritual implication for God's people today to have been…

Pentecost - Lessons From the Parable of the Talents

On the Feast of Pentecost, Charles Graby, a deacon serving in Atlanta and Buford, discusses the expectations that God has for those to whom he has given talents.

The Complete Story of Pentecost

After listening to this message, people will know and understand the complete story about Pentecost and why God sent His Holy Spirit on this day.

The Wave Sheaf, the Wheat Field and the In-gathering

Following Pentecost Steve Holladay discusses how this festival reveals the two harvests and God's plan for mankind.

Harvesting the Firstfruits

An analysis of the symbolism behind the firstfruits harvest of Israel; starting with the Wavesheaf Ceremony, completing seven weeks of harvest, and concluding with the Ceremony of Two Loaves.

Why Are We Here?

Why are we here? Taking a look at our calling and future work with our LORD and King, our Christ, Jesus.

A Sacred Assembly

God commands that the Last Day of Unleavened Bread and the Last Great Day are to be sacred assemblies. A sacred assembly is much more than just a holy convocation. It has a significance that illustrates unique characteristics of these…

Preparing for Planting Season

Lessons of the farmer. God's Spring Holy Days call for planning and effort. What kind of crop do you want to produce in your Spiritual Life?