

Hatred is all about us these days, and has been since Cain and Able. How are we in the Church of God going to deal with it in our lives.

Hanging Out

Who are you hang out with? Are you hanging out with the Son of God or the sons of Belial? 2Co 6:14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion…

How Bad Is It?

In the first of a two-part sermon, Jerry Shallenberger, a local elder serving in Atlanta and Buford, GA, discusses the out-of-control society that we find ourselves living in. There seems to be a cultural war taking place around us. What…

Blessings from the Lord Who Delivers

After listening to this message, brethren will know and understand three important lessons from three stories in Exodus about blessings.

An End to Enmity

Why is there so much hatred in the world? What is the source of all the hate and animosity in the world?

Societal Issues to Beware Of

Throughout history, societies have risen and fallen. Remarkably the causes of both movements can be very similar, very repetitive. What issues are plaguing our societies today and where are they likely to lead? What should we do about it?
Working With Children of Wrath

Working With "Children of Wrath"


Pondering the Value of Life

Being a pastor in Terre Haute during the media circus of the McVeigh execution forced me once again to examine the meaning of life.