
The Spiritually Clean Heart

How can we develop a spiritually clean heart? How important is our heart to God? What does God expect our heart to be like?


Memories are an important part of being human. Our memories shape the way we see the world. What does the Bible teach about memories?

The Underdog

Most love an underdog story. A dark horse, a long shot, an improbable winner. There are many underdogs in the Bible and we'll explore one further in this message.

A New Heart

The World needs a heart transplant, and the good news is it will happen. We'll explore why that is, how it will happen and an extra blessing available to us now.

Making Christ Our Head Through Circumcision of the Heart

In this sermon, we'll look at why God chose circumcision as a symbol of His authority. We'll look at the importance He continued to place on the symbolism of circumcision as a demonstration of commitment to God throughout ancient Israel's…

How to Test Your Heart

Why is there so much sin in a human’s life? Sin originates in our heart and for the Days of Unleavened Bread we are to examine our heart. If our heart is deceitful, how can we test it?

Our Thoughtful Response

God's guidelines for preparing an offering. Preparing our offering reflects rejoicing and respecting God. It is a mindful response to our blessings and serves as unleavened bread in these unique times.

Forgiveness From the Heart

At a webcast Sabbath service from Buford, Bob McCurdy discusses the need for God's people to consider our forgiveness of others as part of a Passover examination.

The Waxen Heart

As we begin to approach the Passover season, we examine ourselves. One area to look deeply into is our hearts. What does our heart love? Has it waxed cold? How can we tell if it has, and what should we…

Revealing the Heart of God - and Your Heart

Sometimes our motives are not perfect. Where do we fall short? We must learn to yield to God in an attempt to unite our hearts.