
Our Universe and the Sixth Seal

With the powerful universe as a back drop, study the prophecies of the heavenly signs and the end of the world as we know it stated in the book of Revelations.

The Rapture

There is a commonly held belief that the saints will be raptured away. What does the Bible have to say about the rapture theory?


Every time a major incident happens in the news or an eclipse takes place people often wonder if Jesus Christ is about to return. The Bible clearly tells of the events that must take place before Christ returns. What are…
Media Production

Signs in the Heavens

Self-proclaimed prophets regularly promote their latest predictions about heavenly signs. But what is the biblical truth?

Heavenly Signs

Are the blood moons and the recent solar eclipse signs of the imminent return of Jesus Christ? Let's examine the timeline of prophecies about the return of Jesus Christ and see what the Bible shows us about the timing of…

You Have an Appointment with God

What are the harvest moons, and why does the Moon appear to be brighter during the Feast Of Tabernacles?

The Day of the Lord in Bible Prophecy (Part 2)

This sermon is the second of a two part series concerning understanding prophecy of the end time and the Day of the Lord.

God and Astronomy

Did you know there is a lot of astronomy in the Bible? You are about to find out how important it is.
Meteor explodes over Russia

Meteor explodes over Russia, Asteroid set to pass by Earth in Near-Miss

A solar flare

Is a Solar Storm in Your Future?