

Do you know what is Means to Love the Lord your God with all your heart? the Hebrew word “love” is “ahavah”. The Hebrew letters of this word aleph (א), hey (ה), and vet (ב), hey - show the symbolism…

Repentance as Reinvention

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 1/11/20 Repentance is a foundational doctrine as described in Hebrews 6. What is repentance? What are characteristics? And, are we following a process of self-examination. In this sermon, Tim Pebworth explores these questions with an intention of…

Confession: A Spiritual Tool

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 1/4/19 When we think about about the term "confession" different images come to mind, but what does the Bible say? In this sermon, Tim Pebworth examines the Hebrew and Greek terms for confession, whom we should confess…

Jesus Christ

Many prophetic scriptures refer to 'punishment' of nations by the Eternal at His return. We will take a closer look a the Hebrew word often translated to 'punishment', its use throughout the Old Testament, and the will of God at…

Day of Atonement Themes

Speaker: Jim Chance 10/9/19 Using the Hebrew and Greek words that are translated to Atonement. Many different themes and meanings are explained. This message looks at the themes. (Speakers powerpoint and handout are attached under DOWNLOADS tab.) Pls. Note: Addt’l…

Do Not Be Deceived by Hebrew Roots Movement

The Hebrew roots movement (otherwise known as Messianic) is a syncretic movement that combines two faiths: Judaism and Christianity. It consists of numerous ideas, from Passover Haggadah readings to following the Talmud (the Pharisaical "oral" law). In Hebrews, Paul admonishes…

Should Christians Use Hebrew Names for God?

Some teach that Christians must refer to God and Christ by the Hebrew names Yahweh and Yahshua. Biblical manuscripts were written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. The New Testament abundantly quotes from the Old Testament and translates Hebrew names for…

Shema - Hear & Obey

The Hebrew word "Shema" is translated into forty-five different English words. The words that they are translated into mainly are "hear" and "obey."

A Powerful Ally Helper

To show the true Biblical Role of a woman or a wife from the perspective of Ancient Hebrew. Ancient Hebrew was a Word-Picture language, which gives the Biblical-Hebrew view of a woman. That role is understood basically from combining two…

Belief Before Understanding

Is understanding a requirement before obey God? The Hebrew thought of "belief" is quite different from our modern, Greek mindset. Looking at the example of Abraham will help us to see the relationship between belief and understanding and the encouragement…