Media Production

Take It to the Next Level!

Hebrews 6:1 contains an admonition to move past the basics of Christianity and to grow in understanding.

Repentance as Reinvention

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 1/11/20 Repentance is a foundational doctrine as described in Hebrews 6. What is repentance? What are characteristics? And, are we following a process of self-examination. In this sermon, Tim Pebworth explores these questions with an intention of…

Confession: A Spiritual Tool

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 1/4/19 When we think about about the term "confession" different images come to mind, but what does the Bible say? In this sermon, Tim Pebworth examines the Hebrew and Greek terms for confession, whom we should confess…

Day of Atonement Themes

Speaker: Jim Chance 10/9/19 Using the Hebrew and Greek words that are translated to Atonement. Many different themes and meanings are explained. This message looks at the themes. (Speakers powerpoint and handout are attached under DOWNLOADS tab.) Pls. Note: Addt’l…

Perseverance and the Book of Hebrews

For those who have received God’s calling and conversion, “he who endures [perseveres] to the end shall be saved” (Matthew 24:13). When the New Testament church began, almost all the members were Jews or Jewish proselytes. Initially, they were filled…

Angels, Melchizedek and the Tabernacle

The letter to the Hebrews contains three lengthy arguments that especially indicate Paul's continuing battle against the heresy that was troubling his congregations in the 50's and 60's AD. This is the thirteenth in the series about that battle.

Be Ye Holy

God expects the best from us and to always be holy. He does not expect our second best effort, therefore, always put your whole heart in being holy.
An open Bible laying on a table.

What Does It Mean That Jesus Is Our High Priest?

As our High Priest He enables us to come before the throne of God.

Eternal Judgment

We learn through living a life according to God’s instruction the purpose of this life and what God is doing with mankind after death in this lifetime. At the end of everything – our physical life and/or our resurrection awaits…

Israel and the Plagues of Egypt

The calling of a Christian is all about coming out of sin.