
Applying the Three Hells

We are to study in order to rightly divide God's Word. We must constantly sharpen the sword which is are ability to present accurately and effectively the Word of God when the need arises. How would we explain the presence…

Why Do People Believe The Idea of Hell?

Traditional beliefs about “hell” are the logical outworking of a basic root error... assuming and believing the human soul is immortal and lives on after death. The error is at the core of most religious systems.

Heaven and Hell In the Bible

Heaven and hell are mentioned often in the Bible. Three words are translated heaven as well as three words for hell. Each word has its own meaning and application. We must understand the meanings of these words so we can…

Do You Have an Immortal Soul?

Many believe that they have an immortal soul - an essence that goes to either Heaven or Hell when they die? If you do have an immortal soul, what does that say about God? We'll answer these important question and…

The State of The Dead and The Estate of The Saved

This sermonette will address the question . . . Is Heaven truly the reward of the saved.
Media Production

What Is Hell?

Many people believe hell is eternal torture, infinite agony and endless pain. But the Bible doesn’t teach this! Discover the truth.

The Three Heavens and the Three Hells

Sermon in Kennewick, Washington. In scripture the words "heaven" and "hell" each can mean one of several different things. Understanding what the various references to "heaven" or "hell" are discussing to can clear up misunderstandings of the Bible and can…

God's Territory

There are two territories: God’s and Satan’s. We should live in God’s.

Heaven, Hell, and the Resurrections

In this sermon, the speaker looks into the topics of heaven, hell, and what the bible has to say about the resurrections.

The Valley of Hinnom, Part 3

Gary Smith concludes his Bible study series on the valley of Hinnom with this study. He goes through a series of questions on the final judgement which he sent out to the congregation in advance for us to study and…