
Judgment Compared to a Trial

You are on trial. Satan is the prosecuting attorney. Christ is your defense attorney. God is the judge. If you lose, you receive the death penalty. Luckily the judge is on your side.


This sermon is the second in a series on the subject of Hell. We must understand the spirit in man to completely grasp this subject.

Hell: Immortal Soul

This is the foundation for a series of messages on hell. This concept must be understood before we can understand this doctrine properly.

The Three Legs Of Hell

The traditional belief in the doctrine of hell is undergoing change. More churches are questioning the three legs that support this long held belief. Mr. New covers the three basic assumptions that pertain to this traditional belief. Assumptions such as…

The Lake of Fire

Is it real or a metaphor? Where will it be? Is it “Hell”? Will people burn forever?

Are the Fires of Hell Eternal?

After explaining how some in mainstream Christian culture view hell, scripture is use to prove what hell really is.

History of the Immortality of the Soul

In traditional Christianinty, who started the belief in the immortal soul? Listen to this history which spans from the Second to the Twenty-first Century.

A Brief History of Hell

The common use of the word, "hell", is profane or derogatory, this place being thought of as a condition of eternal punishment. The common misunderstanding of hell is a Satanic device to prevent people from becoming at one with God.

Giving up Hell

Many times in the Bible, hell is described as the grave. We're all going to the grave at death and the Bible says the wages of sin is death. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…

What Does Scripture Actually Teach About Hell?

God’s word says the wicked person who refuses to repent will be punished with destruction in fire. Not the mythical Hell of humanity’s imagination but an all consuming fire that will burn until every last scrap is consumed. Human traditions…