
Friends, Family and Faith

We're fasting this weekend, partly to "look to the needs of others." We were reminded in the calling for this fast that "We have brethren around the world in desperately poor places...whom we can't even directly help at this time…

Christ Our Passover and Personal Good Samaritan

Speaker: Lud Kiramidjian 4/4/20 The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) is one of the most famous of Christ’s parables. It teaches a powerful moral lesson that every human being is our "neighbor", and that we (out of compassion…

Say Yes To The Task

Some people have trouble saying 'No' when asked to help. Others have trouble saying 'Yes.' Still others have trouble deciding what to say. Today, we'll talk about saying both 'Yes' and 'No,' and when an appropriate time is to say…

Sharing the Burdens

We bear our individual loads. How can we help those around us to help share the burdens they carry?
A homeless man sitting beside the road with a sign asking for help.

What Does the Bible Say About the Homeless and Homelessness?

As Christians, we absolutely need to care for those who are in need.

In Everything Give Thanks

An exceptional God, not Yankee ingenuity, has been America’s greatest blessing. God has touched this people more than others. The Pilgrims were indentured people who came to America. They were called separatist by others, but called themselves “The Saints”. A…

Seven Lessons of Survival

Seven lessons that can help see us through any and all trials.


These 10 “magic” phrases from the chairman of the NBA’s Orlando Magic, Richard M. DeVos, are valuable in business and in daily life (2008, ISBN-13 978-1-59995-098-3).