
The role of the High Priest

All of God’s Holy Days reflect on different aspects of Christ’s role in God’s great plan of salvation. The writer of Hebrews, whom I believe to be Paul, elaborates quite considerably on Christ’s role as a High Priest after the…

High Priest Forever

The book of Hebrews demonstrates how the suffering and death of Jesus Christ qualify Him for an incredible role that enables us to be His brothers and sisters.

How We’re Covered

In the time of Moses, the High Priest had a set of clothes he wore only one day a year, and on that day he had to wear it exactly as specified. What significance does it hold for us on…

Our High Priest

The high priest in ancient Israel performed his most important and nerve-wracking duties on the Day of Atonement. This message explores those duties, and what the author of Hebrews revealed about how Jesus Christ fulfills them as our High Priest…

Behind the Second Veil

Focusing on what happened behind the second veil in the Tabernacle of old, and later in heaven itself, this message considers where atonement was made, and the great blessings this brings to God's people now.

The Day of Covering

The 5th annual holy observance of God's festival sequence is a day which addresses how God will remove the source of deception in this world and how He will provide a solution for human sins committed in ignorance.

Unleavened Bread and the Wave Sheaf

How does the wave sheaf offering fit in with the Days of Unleavened Bread?

Passover and Faith

Today, we review key scriptures regarding our Passover attitude. This includes the confessing of sin, the walk of faith, and Christ's role. With proper examination a Christian can have a profitable passover season.

The Importance Of Sacrifice

Old Testament sacrifices covered different types of sins. Christ has fulfilled all sacrifices by the giving Himself. Jesus offered up Himself and He became our High-priest. His sacrifice is all about having a relationship with God.

Christ's Last Passover

The Passover that Christ fulfilled in 31 A. D. was the most important day in all of man's history. The sacrifice that Christ made had been planned from before creation and necessitated by the sin that men had committed from…