
Jesus Christ and General Custer

Making sense of our history in the church to know where we are going.

The End-Time Middle East

We can see turmoil in the history, as well as in the future, of the Middle East. Events in this region are destined to effect the lives on everyone on earth.

For You See Your Calling

Not many people have been called. We spared spiritual tribulation. We need to appreciate our calling.

Two Minutes Dedicated to Eternity

A look back in history can provide answers for what lives ahead. We can look back in history and learn, from Abraham Lincoln; a man who was set before the nation to be a teacher.

The Sabbath in History and in Prophecy

God is eternal. He has a plan. The Sabbath teaches us from week to week. It looks back to the creation of this earth, but also forward to a new creation, and it gives us an overall timeline of the…

Paul's Prison Epistles -Short on Complaints and Long on Praise

Some of the most encouraging words in the Bible, are written by a man who was incarcerated for years. Take a detailed look at the mindset and the environment of Paul to better appreciate his "Prison Epistles".

I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life

The message notes important events on this day in history in light of the current Holy Day season and reflects on the deep meaning of Christ's statement that "I am the way, the truth and the life".

The Daniel 11 Prophesy

A historical look at the fulfillment of the Prophesy in Daniel 11.

Great Passovers We have Known

We look at "GREAT PASSOVERS WE HAVE KNOWN" by reviewing the key Passovers of Scripture and critical lessons we need to learn from each of them this year.

The Boy King

Interesting parallels exist between King Edward of England and King Josiah of Judah.