
The Sabbath in History and in Prophecy

God is eternal. He has a plan. The Sabbath teaches us from week to week. It looks back to the creation of this earth, but also forward to a new creation, and it gives us an overall timeline of the…

A Tale of Two Churches

Mat 16:18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.

Portland: The Seed Bed

God starts everything He does somewhere. This church began 80 years ago in Portland Oregon. This message presents the founders and the historical aspects of this church.

The Mystery of the 7 Churches

The book of Revelation is a mysterious and misunderstood book, and the meaning seven churches in chapters two and three have been debated for centuries. Who can understand the meaning of the mystery of the 7 churches? We will explore…

Messages to the Seven Churches

Revelation 2 and 3 are messages to the Church of God. This sermon highlights the lessons of a 7-part series. Note: The PowerPoint presentation that accompanied this message is available by email request. Please send your request to

How Infant Baptism Changed Christianity

How, when, who and where did infant baptism start? What does the New Testament say about infant baptisms? This is the concluding message.

How Infant Baptism Changed Christianity

How, when, and where did infant baptism start? Who started the idea of infant baptisms? What does the New Testament say about this interesting topic?

History of the New Testament Church

Why do our beliefs differ so much from others? The doctrinal beliefs we hold dear are a result of our faith in the validity of Scripture over traditions, or secular human history. Many churches make the claim that their doctrines…

The History Behind the Galatian Church

Learn about the history surrounding events in Paul's letter to the Galatians.

Preserving the Truth

This sermon addresses how the truth has been preserved through time, and how it will be in the future.