
Monumental Battle for Control of the World

A look at the astounding end-time story of the Middle East and the future of this crucial region that was laid out thousands of years ago in the Bible. We need to understand what's prophesied to happen in the Middle…

4 Myths About Mary

Does the Bible tell us to venerate or worship Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ? This split sermon examines 4 common myths about Mary.

Gog and Magog

In this interactive sermon, please use the accompanying Prezi presentation at -- click the next arrow during the sermon to follow Ryan's timeline. Ryan McNeely explores the role that Gog and Magog has played throughout history. He begins with…
Death of a European: Otto Von Habsburg

Death of a European


Europe and the Church, Part 8

Almost everybody is aware of the Third Reich, which was meant to last a thousand years, but few today know much about the First Reich, which actually did. Although its origins go back to Charlemagne, the 10th century German Emperor...

Europe's Unbounded Schengen Joy

Dec. 21 the Schengen Treaty was expanded to include nine of the 10 countries in Eastern Europe that joined the EU in 2004. "Borderless" Europe now encompasses 400 million people.

Is the EU an Attempt to Revive the Holy Roman Empire?

Exactly two centuries after the fall of the Holy Roman Empire—the First Reich of the German Nation—the European Union seems set to revive this ancient institution. by Melvin Rhodes