Media Production

Is the Coronavirus the Four Horsemen?

Is the coronavirus pandemic the fulfillment of the Four Horsemen in Revelation?

Coronavirus and the Pale Horse

The recent outbreak of the coronavirus that started in China has made world news and triggered a “global health emergency.” Where do these new viruses come from? And how might they relate to the fourth horse of the apocalypse—the pale…

Coronavirus and the Pale Horse

The recent outbreak of the coronavirus that started in China has made world news and triggered a “global health emergency.” Where do these new viruses come from? And how might they relate to the fourth horse of the apocalypse—the pale…

The Four Horsemen

Some thought that John was seeing things because of his age. Will these prophecies unfold in our lifetime? Today we will concentrate on the 4 horsemen and their ride.

In Brief...World News Review

The black horse of Revelation already riding in Africa.

In Brief...World News Review

Famine threatening Sudan


Fear! Health alert! Pandemic! These are the alarming words in the headlines as the world begins to address the outbreak of a new strain of swine flu virus.
Why Prophecy?

Why Prophecy?

Some people spend lots of time digging into Bible prophecy, at times becoming unbalanced. Others say the biblical images of beasts, horsemen and great empires rising and falling has little or nothing to do with the practical side of life...

SARS and Bible Prophecy

Many who read the prophecies about world conditions prior to Jesus' return to this earth find them hard to believe. "Outlandish!" "Wild!" "Weird!" "Unbelievable!" These are common perceptions. But for those who have eyes to see and the courage to...
Silhouette of nine persons standing on the hill.

This is the Way, Walk in It

Proclaim liberty to the captives.