Media Production

Are You Prepared for the Ultimate Crisis?

As the world is shaken by distressing future events you will need an effective grasp of Bible prophecy.

Where the American Culture is Headed the Next 20 Years

We are now almost two decades into the 21st century. It seems like yesterday that many people were in hysteria about the Y2K bug when we rolled over into the year… 2000. But, the last 20 years has seen a…

The 7th Commandment- Lessons from Hosea

The 7th commandment is very important and applies to each of us. There is a spiritual aspect to the commandment, and it is possible for each of us to be guilty of breaking this law, but we have a Loving…

Hosea: An amazing story of salvation

Hosea is an amazing story of the plan of salvation and the love that God has for us. It makes clear how God sees his relationship with us, with his chosen people whom he loves. And he ends the harsh…
Media Production

The Minor Prophets: Amos and Hosea

The messages that Amos and Hosea gave to the ancient nation of Israel has some important implications for our world today.
The Minor Prophets: Hosea - A Tragic but Hopeful Love Story
Video Series Lesson

The Minor Prophets: Hosea - A Tragic but Hopeful Love Story

The life of Hosea is one of the strangest of the prophets. He was required by God to marry a "harlot" and use his marriage as a teaching tool for telling Israel about their sins and betrayal of God. It...

Lessons from Hosea

We can learn many important lessons from the book of Hosea.
Commentary Issue

Beyond Today Bible Commentary: Hosea

The prophet Hosea was contemporary with Amos, both having preached during the reigns of Uzziah of Judah and Jeroboam II of Israel (Hosea 1:1; Amos 1:1). But Hosea tells us that his ministry also spanned the reigns of Judah's kings...

The Wonderful World Beyond Today... A New Way of Thinking

What do you do if everyone in the world needs a heart transplant?

Hosea 13-14

Destruction imminent, repentance and restoration