
Practice Christian Hospitality

Hospitality is a trait all Christians should exhibit. This sermon looks at some relevant passages from the Bible about hospitality, and encourages local members to make plans to host one another in their homes.

The "Hosting Six Times Per Year" Challenge

In an embarrassing story, Jason recalls how he started out wanting to be a host, but ran away, leaving his friends to feel isolated and hurt. In an encouragement to learn from his mistakes, now is the time to ensure…


Taking a look at the lessons of hospitality taught in the Bible and how we can apply them into our life.

Be Hospitable to Others

Terry Cunningham shares some personal stories of individuals seeking overnight refuge and shelter with strangers from a storm and the importance of being hospitable to others.

Three Steps To More Active Fellowship

How can we pursue fellowship that is active... intentional... mindful... and pleasing to our Father Creator.


Being hospitable is encouraged in the scriptures. This message focuses on this topic, elevating it to a spiritual level to give us a greater depth of understanding about it.


Rick Jensen reflects on his recent experience entertaining a lonely widow recently and discusses what the Bible says about showing hospitality to others.

Given to Hospitality

Those with an open and welcoming heart are not as focused on the events they host as they are on those they invite to them. (Romans 12:13)

Love On The Loose

Why do we return from the Feast of Tabernacles with a buzz? What is it that is so concentrated and intense that we are sustained for 8 days and beyond? It is a fulfilling of the two great commandments. This…

A Love of Strangers

Hospitality is a job for everyone. Showing love for people you don't know is something that God expects us to do.