A bright light shining through trees.

How Do We Know When to Trust if Satan Can Present Himself as an Angel of Light?

When we want to know what is truth versus what is false Jesus directs us to the written word of God.
Bible laying on top of a table

Nailed to the Cross

What was nailed to the cross? What was the “handwriting of requirements that was against us”?
A person reading a Bible.

Do converted followers of Jesus Christ face judgment?

What does the Bible say about a converted Christian's time of judgment?
An open Bible.

Are Christians Once Saved, Always Saved?

Does the Bible teach the doctrine of “once saved, always saved”? Can it be proven from Scripture?
Why Are All the Commandments Repeated in the New Testament Except Keeping the Sabbath?

Why Are All the Commandments Repeated in the New Testament Except Keeping the Sabbath?

It is noteworthy to realize that the Sabbath is mentioned in the four Gospels 50 times, which is more than it is mentioned in the five books of The Law (five books of Moses).
Golden Eagle

What Did Jesus Mean in Luke 17 verse 37 About the Eagles Gathered Around the Body?

"And they answered and said to Him, 'Where, Lord? So He said to them, 'Wherever the body is, there the eagles will be gathered together" (Luke 17:37). When answering the question of what Jesus meant, we must first ask ourselves...

What is a "propitiation"?

The New King James Version refers to Christ four times as our propitiation. What does this word mean?
Bright sun shining through clouds

What does the word hosanna mean?

What did it mean when the multitude welcomed Jesus with shouts of “Hosanna”?

Why did Jesus Christ use parables?

Did Jesus deliberately speak in parables in order to conceal the truth from certain people?
A woman praying to a painting hanging in a church.

Should We Pray to Saints?

Some churches have a historic practice of praying to dead saints. Does the Bible teach that we should pray to the saints?