
Use this Crisis to Correct Your Spiritual Course

Speaker: Jim Tuck 4/25/20 As we fast in this time of international crisis due to the coronavirus how will you respond? Our time is now to break the cycle of humanity and raise the bar in our own spiritual commitment…

Humanity (Fundamental Beliefs Part 4)

Human beings were created with the potential to become members of the God Family. We can change from dust to divinity. We have been made in the very image of Christ.

Fundamental Belief #4: Humanity - Part 2

Fundamentals of Belief sermon on our Human Weaknesses and how we can overcome them.

The Holy Day of Pentecost

Bible Study: Pentecost has many names but only one significance which is God's Holy Spirit being freely given to mankind to better enhance his relationship to Him.


In this message, we will see the reason why God created man and what mankind’s ultimate destiny will be if we make the right choice to live by God’s laws.

Humanity - The Good, the Bad and the Best

Does God say when life begins? Does man have an immortal soul? What are God's plans for humanity? Listen to this sermon to find out the answers to these questions as well as many others regarding

Stirring Up The Gift Of God

God provides all of our needs. Choice & the Holy Spirit are gifts we are give. As well as the promise that God the Father will never leave us

Fundamental Beliefs Part 4 - Humanity

Think about how we perceive humanity? How do we think about people? Our perspective can get in the way and create judgments abut people rather than how God views reality. We often see the negative side of people and events…

Lessons from Our Father

We continue our review of the United Church of God, IA, fundamentals of belief, covering the subjects of humanity, God's law & sin, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and Him having been three days & three nights in the tomb.

To Where We Are Now

This message relates to the journey of where we once were to where we are now in the light of the fundamental belief of Humanity, Nature of Man. It refers to the supreme sacrifice of Jesus Christ - His very…