
Why Do We Fast?

What is our reason or motivation when we fast? Are we trying to impress God or try to get something from Him? Looking at examples from scripture we can clearly see that the reason to fast, is to seek God.

Being Like John the Baptist

You might know who John the Baptist was, but do you know what he did? More than eating locusts and being beheaded, John the Baptist paved the way for the coming of Jesus Christ. From this example, we can learn…

Bend the Knee - Living in Humility

Bend the Knee is an ancient phrase that has been made popular in recent years. However, it is a requirement for eternal life in the Kingdom/Governance of God.

Eliminating Static

Just like there is static over the radio or over the electrical system that can distract and annoy us, there can be spiritual "static"; annoyances that reduce the peace in our lives and make us less effective Christians. Lack of…

Reviving the Heart

Daily life with its seemingly constant upsets, adversities and frustrations leave many people feeling anxious, distraught and discouraged. Is there a permanent and fulfilling remedy for their troubled hearts and minds? The answer is absolutely yes. Through His prophet Isaiah…

The Last Night In Babylon, You Knew

Speaker: Jonathan D. Garnant 12/21/19 We live in a type of Babylon - a culture that does not know God. This message is the fifth of a series on the book of Daniel, drawing lessons on how to live and…

Of Such Is the Kingdom

We are told that one who is like a little child shall inherit the Kingdom of God. David Jones discusses what that means and the attitudes of children who are truly humble, with absolute trust and faith, the ability to…

Why Do We Fast on the Day of Atonement?

Fasting, throughout scripture, is connected with humbling ones self before our Creator and His will for us.

God’s View of Humility and Pride

What’s God’s view of humility and pride? How does He see it? This message explores this topic as to its importance because God places so much emphasis on it in the scriptures and our understanding and application of it will…

Out of the Mouth of Babes

Children have the ability to speak what is on their mind. Jesus recognized this quality and used it as a teaching lesson for us to perfect our praise.