
The Last Night In Babylon, You Knew

Speaker: Jonathan D. Garnant 12/21/19 We live in a type of Babylon - a culture that does not know God. This message is the fifth of a series on the book of Daniel, drawing lessons on how to live and…

Walk Humbly

What does it mean to "walk humbly with God?" We must have the humility to realize that although by ourselves we are hopeless in this life, we are NOT helpless. Through obedience and faith, we can walk humbly with God.

Why Satan Must Be Bound

There is a reason why Satan MUST be bound prior to the Millennium and there is a lesson in this for us, today!

What Do You Want Me To Do?

What is it that God wants us to do? To do Justly, love Mercy, and walk Humbly with God.

To Walk Humbly

In this sermon we will conclude this sermon series on the Weightier Matters of the Law. What does it mean to "walk?" It would seem like a relatively simple thing to do - walk humbly. But as humans we find…

What Does God Want?

What Is It That God Wants from Us? Let's Examine and Answer This Question.
Tripping Over Me

Tripping Over Me