
I'll Walk With God

God will be with you if you are walking in His ways. Wherever you go, don't walk by yourself, walk with God.

Godly Wisdom, Human Wisdom and the Devil's Wisdom

How many of us ask for wisdom each day? Which type of wisdom are you displaying in your life? We ought to ask God for His wisdom.

Basic Principles for Spiritual Builders

We are laborers on a spiritual construction crew hired to build a spiritual building. Are you following the blue prints of the Master Builder?

Learning to be a Child of God

Our world has an intensely competitive spirit. We all want to be #1. But being a child of God means we need to develop a different attitude.

Seven Attributes of a Child-Like Attitude

Christ says, in Matt. 18, "...Unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven." There is something about a little child we must become like. what are the attributes of…

Principles of Submission

The Bible commands each one of us to practice submission. This sermon provides valuable principles to help you in your dual role as someone in submission and someone in authority.
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Humility: Changing Your Reality

Humility is a choice to acknowledge God and His authority over our lives.
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Table 19: Humility Is a Choice

When we're placed at "Table 19," relegated to the back, we have to remember that humility is a choice. It's a choice that can allow God to work with us.

Where Were You?

The story of Job has several of the deepest lessons in all the Bible. One big lesson from the example of Job is to step back and look up. It will always help us get perspective.
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We Can't Land the Plane!

An interesting flight experience led me to a lesson about control throughout life's challenges.