
Extraordinary Matrimony

Does your life have a holy purpose? This sermon focuses on the life and lessons of a New Testament couple that sets the tone for a godly marriage.

1 Corinthians 7: Sound Wisdom On Marriage

In an on-going series of sermons from the book of 1 Corinthians, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, discusses the important issues that Paul dealt with in chapter 7 - primarily focused on marriage.

The 1st Couple Years of Marriage - Starting Off Right

On the eve of a wedding between two young people in the Atlanta congregation, Jerry Shallenberger (father of the groom), discusses godly principles that young people starting off in marriage should apply that will help ensure a long and happy…

Being A Husband Gods Way

What Does The Bible Say About Being a Good Husband?

It's a Three Ring Circus: Family - Part 3 Children and Grandchildren

Do you ever struggle trying to balance the roles and responsibilities in your marriage and family? Does it every feel like a 3 ring circus where the clowns are running the show? Families are interacting, constantly changing and at times…

It's a Three Ring Circus: Family - Part 1 the Husband and Father

Do you ever struggle trying to balance the roles and responsibilities in your marriage and family? Does it every feel like a 3 ring circus where the clowns are running the show? Families are interacting, constantly changing and at times…

Marriage and the Family Part 1: Husbands and Wives

Satan hates the family because it's the tool God is using to build His family. God's people must actively resist Satan's influence and seek to build their marriages daily.

Husbands: Love Your Wives First

To better understand the covenant relationship we have, as the Bride of Christ, we can apply another covenant relationship - marriage. In this first sermon in a 2-part series on Marriage, David Jones discusses the role of Husbands that demands…

Marriage and the Man

Marriage is a divinely ordained covenant. God’s Word tells us the husband is to love His wife as Christ loved the Church. He is to dwell peacefully with her and join himself to her as one flesh. Men, your wife…

The Role of a Godly Husband

To fully appreciate God’s design of and love for the institution of marriage, we must fully understand what the Biblically-based wedding vows reveal about the role of a godly husband.