
The Vital Role of Fathers

Families are a very special thing in the eyes of God and they are under attack. Are you, as a father, protecting your family?

What is Mature Christian Manhood?

There is no doubt that mature responsible men seem to be a dying breed in the world we live in. Within the self-absorbed “me generation” that we all live in today, a Christian vision of real manhood seems to be…

8 Truths You Need To Know For a Godly Family

The institution of marriage is under attack and we must defend it. Build and defend your family using these 8 fundamental principles.

It's a Three Ring Circus: Family - Part 3 Children and Grandchildren

Do you ever struggle trying to balance the roles and responsibilities in your marriage and family? Does it every feel like a 3 ring circus where the clowns are running the show? Families are interacting, constantly changing and at times…

It's a Three Ring Circus: Family - Part 1 the Husband and Father

Do you ever struggle trying to balance the roles and responsibilities in your marriage and family? Does it every feel like a 3 ring circus where the clowns are running the show? Families are interacting, constantly changing and at times…

God's Family, His Army

David Jones discusses the role of a family - husbands, wives and children - and how each should reflect the Family of God and, further, His spiritual army that contradicts the world view of being docile and weak.

Marriage and the Family Part 1: Husbands and Wives

Satan hates the family because it's the tool God is using to build His family. God's people must actively resist Satan's influence and seek to build their marriages daily.

Husbands: Love Your Wives First

To better understand the covenant relationship we have, as the Bride of Christ, we can apply another covenant relationship - marriage. In this first sermon in a 2-part series on Marriage, David Jones discusses the role of Husbands that demands…

Maxims for Husbands and Fathers

What does Biblical Rule mean when applied to marriage? Does it mean to be a dictator? What is a good father? What if we never had a good fatherly role model? There are three words that describe how a husband…

Be a Righteous Man

God created humans in His image as males and females. He assigns each sex unique roles and responsibilities that when performed bring happiness and fulfillment to one's life. Society has corrupted the proper biblical role a man should have. Consequently…