
A Foundation for Marriage

A successful marriage is built on making good choices. Even if you have not always made the best choices in the past… the choices you make from this moment forward can work for you.

Marriage Covenant

God intended marriage to be a covenant relationship and the spiritual applications to a physical marriage.

God's Plan for Marriage

God created marriage so that we may love one another as He loves us. One man; one woman; for life.

Wives: Respect Your Husbands

To better understand the covenant relationship we have, as the Bride of Christ, we can apply another covenant relationship - marriage. In this second sermon in a 2-part series on Marriage, David Jones discusses the role of Wives that primarily…

Husbands: Love Your Wives First

To better understand the covenant relationship we have, as the Bride of Christ, we can apply another covenant relationship - marriage. In this first sermon in a 2-part series on Marriage, David Jones discusses the role of Husbands that demands…

Husbands Love Your Wives

Husbands are to love their wives as Christ loves the church. They are fellow heirs to eternal life. How should men treat their mates? Did you know that both men and women can be addicted to pornography and that porn…

Families of the Future

How the family can be restored when Christ returns by looking back 60 years ago at the family farm.

Marriage and the Man

Marriage is a divinely ordained covenant. God’s Word tells us the husband is to love His wife as Christ loved the Church. He is to dwell peacefully with her and join himself to her as one flesh. Men, your wife…
A young married couple holding hands standing in a grass field.

How Do You Live With an Unbelieving Spouse?

If you and your spouse have differing religious beliefs, how is that working for you? Or is it even working at all? Are you overwhelmed with the sheer number of ways that this conflict in beliefs is affecting your family?

Why Husbands Need Their Wives

This message examines nine biblical reasons why husbands need their wives.