
The Church Marriage Mystery (part 1)

The Bible is clear---Jesus Christ (the Last Adam) will marry the Church. But what does this really mean? The answer begins "in the beginning" with the creation and marriage of Adam and Eve before human sin entered the world.

What is Mature Christian Manhood?

There is no doubt that mature responsible men seem to be a dying breed in the world we live in. Within the self-absorbed “me generation” that we all live in today, a Christian vision of real manhood seems to be…
A big family gathering at the beach at sundown.

How Can I Create Meaningful Family Experiences?

One practical, useful tip for bringing those you love closer together.

It's a Three Ring Circus: Family - Part 3 Children and Grandchildren

Do you ever struggle trying to balance the roles and responsibilities in your marriage and family? Does it every feel like a 3 ring circus where the clowns are running the show? Families are interacting, constantly changing and at times…

Proper Administration of Godly Authority in Marriage

Joe Dobson gives five points of guidance for a man who seeks to be a godly husband. The main focus is that the man's authority in the home is given to him by God and must reflect the love that…

It's a Three Ring Circus: Family - Part 1 the Husband and Father

Do you ever struggle trying to balance the roles and responsibilities in your marriage and family? Does it every feel like a 3 ring circus where the clowns are running the show? Families are interacting, constantly changing and at times…

God's Family

God is building His family for His Kingdom and each of us are called to be spiritual warriors. In the Army of the Lord, each of us has a role to play.

Ageless Hacks For Family Happiness

As a follow-up to a recent sermon on marriage principles ("Timeless Tips For Marital Bliss" - Sept 1, 2018), Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, discusses important tips that will lead to happiness within the family.

Marriage and the Family Part 1: Husbands and Wives

Satan hates the family because it's the tool God is using to build His family. God's people must actively resist Satan's influence and seek to build their marriages daily.

Authority - Part 3

What authority within human relationships—such as between employer and employee, or between family members—looks like based on principles from the Bible. The final sermon in this three-part series.