
I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life

The message notes important events on this day in history in light of the current Holy Day season and reflects on the deep meaning of Christ's statement that "I am the way, the truth and the life".

BE In God's "Light"

HOW filled with God’s “Light” ARE you? How filled with the corruptions of the world ARE you? As we have learned …the method to removing the corruption of this carnal life is to replace it with the Unleavened Christ. HOW?


Christ’s works and miracles bore witness of Himself as the Son of God. In seven “I AM” statements, often preceded by miracles, He told the world who He was and what it is He came to do for mankind. Contemplating…

Who Do You Say That I Am?

Who did the disciples think Jesus was? During His ministry who did they think He was... simply wise... a philosopher... a healer... a religious leader or more? Who do you say that He is and how important He is to…

Jesus’ Identity

Many people think Jesus of Nazareth came to do away with the law, replacing law with grace—but did He? Few things could be more important to you than understanding this matter! A careful study of Scripture shows that Jesus was...

You know, there is a God

Have you ever told someone there is a God? What kind of reaction did you get? God is very real. God is the one and only. The beginning! We know that there is a god. The I Am sent you!

What's On God's Mind Today?

Have you ever wondered what is on God’s mind? I know this is a broad question but I believe we can know some things so important to God that He wanted them to be remembered by His children. Today l…

Who Does Jesus Say He Is?

This message will help one understand who Jesus says He is, and learn about five valuable lessons we must never forget.

From Glory to Glory, to Bring Glory to Man

Who came and died for the sins of the world? Who was He? How did He come? And why does it matter?

Believe in Me the Way that "I AM"

God desires that we know Him in the way He has revealed Himself in Scripture. We need to be careful not to take away, or add to the way the Great "I AM" reveals His name in the Bible