
Ignorant or Knowing

We are told multiple times in Scripture to "not be ignorant". A look at our Passover examination to be sure we aren't ignorant about ourselves.

Ignorant or Knowing

We are told multiple times in Scripture to "not be ignorant". A look at our Passover examination to be sure we aren't ignorant about ourselves.

The Cost of Ignorance

Ignorance has a terribly high price tag—but understanding and overcoming it can really pay off.

The Cause of Ignorance

Hello readers, “He who answers a matter before he hears it, it is folly and shame to him” (Proverbs 18:13).

Britain's Declining Respect for Biblical Values

Traditional values, like basic respect for the rights and dignity of others, are fast disappearing from a society steadily undermined by secularism and growing ignorance of the Bible. How do we rebuild a culture of respect?

A Flick of a Switch Away From the Dark Ages?

In our technological Information Age, when the electrical power goes out, we are left literally in the dark. Some fear more massive blackouts will plunge us into another Dark Age. But in a figurative sense, have we already entered a...

The High Cost of Ignorance

Editorial note from Scott Ashley