
Quarantine is about Loving Others

Loving others as yourself is the 2nd Great Commandment. Experiencing an interruptive and even devastating an illness should lead one to attempt to prevent its harmful effects from spreading to others.

Four Lessons from Job

The pastor examines the Book of Job and outlines four principle lessons that will help a member overcome worries, fears, and doubt when facing any trial.

Divine Healing

What should we consider when we ask God for healing?

The Plan A For Thriving In Illness

Tim Pebworth 4/27/19 When we become sick or are faced with a physical handicap our Plan A is often to seek medical treatment, and if we believe in God to ask for health, but if it doesn't come we can…

God's Promise of Healing

Why don't we see or experience instantaneous and miraculous healing as often or in the same way as when Jesus was on earth? Do we lack faith?
What kind of illness have you experienced and how has God guided you through?

What I Think About Illness

I am a sinner who requires continuous work. I believe that illness can occur for different reasons.

Getting Along with Anxiety

Are you anxious? Perhaps even over-anxious? Do you feel like you might have an anxiety disorder or do you sometimes feel overwhelmed be even the smallest things? Is anxiety a sin? We will look at exactly what anxiety is, if…
Crying little child

Life Is Fragile... Handle With Care

In life we often have trouble knowing how to deal with certain situations, but God knows our needs and is always there for us.
You Can Have Anything You Want

You Can Have Anything You Want

In today’s world we’re taught that if we want it, we can get it. But do we need it or should we have it? And what does God have to say about it?

Anointing the Sick

"Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord" (James 5:14).