God the Creator came from heaven and dwelt among men to give us an earthly image [example] of what it looks like to bear the image [example] of the heavenly.

The Ultimate Vision: Be Like Him, Part 3

Bearing the image of a man that is heavenly seems at first impossible, if not audacious. How does one come to be heavenly?
Photo of a person walking along the beach at low tide with their reflection in the water below.

The Ultimate Vision: Be Like Him, Part 2

The ultimate vision, the Bible reveals, is to be like Him. This may at first seem abstract, but Paul, in his discourse to the Corinthians, makes it much more tangible: “As we have borne the image of the man of...
Photo of a man walking in a field toward the sun at golden hour.

The Ultimate Vision

Where there is no vision people perish! Proverbs 29:18

Walking in the Image of God

We are aware that we are made in the image of God. If we respond to God's direction in our lives, our actions must be consistent with that calling. We are in the world but are not to be of…

All Consuming Images

Idolatry goes much deeper than man-made statues -it involves man-made thoughts and feelings about the Creator that easily become distorted. When we rob God of His place as merciful loving Abba Father and make Him into something He is not…

Walking in the Image of God

Humanity was made in the image of God. As we come to understand this, we realize that we need to conform to God's nature as well. How do we respond? Based on Romans 12, this message focuses on engaging in…

God Has a Purpose for Everything

No person or thing appeared by itself or without a specific purpose. For example, God created animals to reproduce after their kind, but created man in His own image (Gen 1:26-28). Therefore, man's purpose is unique. We were made to…

From Dust to Devine Nature

Please join us for this very interesting video sermon about what God's plan for all of mankind is. This plan originated from before the foundation of the world.

Created in God's Image

The Bible tells us that we are now created in God's image and likeness. However we are still physical and He is spirit so there must be more to being in the image of God. What is the human potential…

In His Image

Humanity is made in the image of God (Gen 1:26). Do our thoughts and actions align with being created in God's image? This message examines four aspects of being created in the image of God and how that impacts the…