
One Rotten Apple

In this message we will review the importance of choosing our friends wisely; one of the many lessons we can glean from the Days of Unleavened Bread.

Godly Influence or Worldly Influence

It truly is amazing how easily people can be influenced. The sad fact is that people don't always respond to good influence with good behavior but so often people respond to bad influence with bad behavior.

Godly Influence or Worldly Influence

It truly is amazing how easily people can be influenced. The sad fact is that people don't always respond to good influence with good behavior but so often people do respond to bad influence with bad behavior.

The World Deceives

It seems like we are living in a time of crisis; but are events today really different from those throughout history? This message addresses how not understanding human civilization makes it difficult to understand the bible and even obey God.

Learning to Navigate This World

We can see how Satan twists and manipulates the culture to accept things that are not godly, and we as Christians are to stand up for God’s way in this world.

The Importance of Spiritual Discernment

Spiritual discernment is the ability to see the spiritual reality of a matter. It allows us to answer questions like, “What is the motivation, attitude or spiritual influence behind this circumstance?” As God’s people, developing the ability to test and…

The Day of Small Things

Some individuals throughout history have had a tremendous impact on others. But for us, this is a day of "small things" (taken from Zechariah 4:10) where our influence on the world around is strictly limited. Is that something to be…

Being Cautious of an Agenda-Driven Media

We are surrounded by false and confusing messages trying to manipulate us to a worldly perspective. We must use God’s Spirit to exercise “critical thinking” and not simply believe everything we hear or read… particularly in the news… and social…

Influence in Our Beliefs

The environment, our upbringing, and our perspective can greatly influence our beliefs and scriptural interpretation.

The Age of Crude Amusements

Be aware of how you are being influenced. Turn away from having a self-obsessed life style. God warned us to come out of the ways of the world.