
One Rotten Apple

In this message we will review the importance of choosing our friends wisely; one of the many lessons we can glean from the Days of Unleavened Bread.

How Should Christians Conduct Themselves In The Politically Correct War?

American society, as well as others in the Western world, are largely now constrained by restrictions promulgated by the ideas and beliefs of political correctness (PC). In this split-sermon, Jonathan Beam discusses what PC is, how it impacts society, and…
A woman reading a Bible.

Calling Evil Good

How we react to the influence of those around us is important in our Christian lives.

The Boiling Pot

How many of you have heard the analogy of the frog in a pot? I remember hearing it as a kid, never giving much thought to the meaning. Allow me to read the definition From Wikipedia: The boiling frog is…