
Old Age… What For?

Why should pain or frailty in old age be fairly common? Why is old age included in God's plan for most of us in this life? Old age can be humbling and bring us back from the vanity of youth…

Becoming Little Children

Let's take a look at what it means to become like little children.

Be Childlike, Not Childish

We need to be childlike, not childish, and set the right example for the children.

Being Like Little Children

As a child trusts their mother. We should trust in God. We can have this trust because God knows our needs.

Like a Child

Most children are not afraid to say what they believe. Do we have the faith of a child who has been reared to trust & love God?

3 Forgotten Sins of Judah

Ancient Israel and the tribe of Judah had many challenges in following God, mostly forgetting who God was and worshiping false idols. But there were other issues as well. We will explore 3 less thought of lessons that Judah needed…

The Power of Innocence

The difference between the people of God and any age we live in is the innocence of our aspiration.

Pure Minded

It is essential that we become as little children.